Info for setting up or upgrading a new server

These operations were last performed on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

Instances of a gEAR Portal are most often run within a cloud instance, where you can choose your own operating system and resources. On Google Cloud for a starter instance I chose an e2-standard-2 (2 vCPUs and 48GB RAM) with 300GB of solid state disk space. You’ll definitely want to increase the CPU as you gain more simultaneous users and RAM depending on your dataset sizes. Once you create and start the instance:

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt upgrade
    sudo apt install build-essential

Reboot if there are kernel updates (or just to be safe if you don’t know.)

    cd && mkdir git
    sudo apt install git
    cd git
    git clone


sudo apt install mysql-server

Follow instructions in our document


Not necessary if you want projectR to run on a Google Cloud Run service (configurable in gear.ini)

Please consult for packages to install in order to install R and requisite R packages


Not necessary if you want projectR to run in the Apache environment or do not want to setup the RabbitMQ messaging service (configurable in gear.ini)

Follow instructions in document


Follow instructions in document


sudo apt install apache2 apache2-dev

Follow instructions in document

gEAR portal

cd ~jorvis/git
git clone
cd /var
sudo rm -rf www && sudo ln -s ~jorvis/git/gEAR/www

Systemd Services

More information about these services can be found at gEAR/systemd/

cd ~jorvis/git/gEAR/systemd
sudo mv *target /etc/systemd/system/
sudo mv *service /etc/systemd/system/

# Start the services
cd /etc/systemd/system

sudo systemctl enable
sudo systemctl start

sudo systemctl enable spatial-panel.service
sudo systemctl start spatial-panel.service

# <Add more services here>

Data transfer

If moving to a new instance and you need to transfer data you need to shift the contents of the following directories:

$HOME/git/gEAR/www/datasets $HOME/git/gEAR/www/analyses


Permissions need to be writeable for your apache user.

cd /var/www
chmod 777 datasets analyses/* uploads/files/

(For devel servers) Github Actions self-hosted runner

The idea here is that when commiting code, we can use Github Actions to pull the code down on to the server to do things like automated testing.

(to be continued in

Undocumented currently